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Physical Effects

Eye Strain

Prolonged phone usage can strain and damage our eyes, as indicated by research published in the journal "Clinical and Experimental Optometry." Common symptoms include dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches, and disturbances in sleep patterns (Cantó-Sancho 1). The disrupted sleep can, in turn, contribute to a cascade of additional issues, further increasing the severity of mental and physical health concerns.

'Text Neck'


Excessive phone use contributes to another notable effect, stemming from the prolonged periods during which we often look down at our devices. This behavior can result in a condition known as "text neck." A study has revealed that the angle at which we hold our heads while using phones can increase pressure on the cervical spine (Tsantili 2). This increased pressure, over time, can cause chronic pain, diminished mobility, and potentially lead to long-term spinal issues. Thus, it underscores the importance of being mindful of our posture during phone use to mitigate the risk of developing such physical discomforts and health concerns.




Excessive phone usage can decrease physical activity, as the time allocated to phone use often replaces opportunities for exercise. One study revealed that elevated screen time in adolescents correlates with reduced physical activity and an elevated risk of obesity (Haghjoo 1). The combination of obesity and a sedentary lifestyle resulting from excessive phone usage may compound the negative impact on both physical and mental health. This emphasizes the importance of striking a balance between phone use and maintaining an active lifestyle for overall well-being.

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