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Mental Effects


Excessive use of mobile phones has been associated with a long list of adverse effects that can be mitigated. Among these, a huge concern is the heightened levels of stress and anxiety. A study from the journal "Computers in Human Behavior" established a clear positive correlation between the frequency of phone usage and stress levels among young adults (Thomée 3). Persistent stress has the potential to escalate into more severe mental health conditions. According to information from WebMD, prolonged stress "can contribute to depression, a mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and disinterest in activities that are typically enjoyable" (WebMD).


Excessive use of phones significantly impacts anxiety levels, as indicated by a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association. The study found that individuals who habitually check their phones tend to experience increased anxiety (APA 1). This heightened anxiety is often attributed to the fear of missing out on social activities, a phenomenon amplified by the influence of social media and smartphones, which make it easier to witness what one might be missing. Additionally, the pressure to maintain a perfect online image further contributes to this sense of anxiety.



Excessive use of phones can detrimentally affect interpersonal relationships, increasing the severity of other mental health consequences. Research from the International Journal of Communication highlights that the mere presence of a phone during face-to-face interactions can undermine the quality of conversation and contribute to feelings of loneliness (Stevic 1). The significant influence of phone usage on mental well-being emphasizes the need to raise awareness and advocate for reduced phone usage to foster healthier connections.

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